I hate your family (and friends)

Happy bridal party!

OK, so everyone knows that getting married is not just the joining together of two people, but their families and friends! For most people this can be as painful as a root canal without anaesthesia (yikes).

If you know me you will also know that my mother is my LIFE. No buts! I would never settle with a man who couldn’t hit it off with my mom. I know, there are those of you who are grumbling that family should stay out of relationships, but as the only child for my mom, she is a HUGE part of my life.

Needless to say, I was a little anxious when my mom and Garfield first met. He stepped out of the car, my breath stopped, the world moved in slow motion, then there were sparks and hugs and laughter. They were in love! (Confetti please)

Those of you at my wedding will recall how enthusiastic she was to give me away!

Bishop: “Who giveth–”
Mom: “We do!”
Bishop: “Are you sure?”
Mom: “Very, very, very sure!”

My poor dad could hardly get in a word. But fun and joke aside, family and friends can make a wedding very stressful.

My dad walking me down the aisle

First, you may have a mother (not calling any names) who would love to invite the entire family. Remember that aunt whom you’ve never spoken to? Or that second, third or even fourth cousin whom you’ve never met?  (No huh, no way, not unless you are paying for them!) Then, you must deal with those married relatives who are self-appointed wedding gurus. When you combine that with a wedding as untraditional as ours, you have a recipe for an all out family war!

Wedding guru aka family: “What do you mean your maid-of-honour is wearing red?”
Me: “Ahh, yaaw…”
Wedding guru aka family: “So what is the colour for other bridesmaids?”
Me: “Well, they’ll all be in a different colour and style.”
Wedding guru aka family: (Snicker) “So, what will the head table look like?”
Me:  (Slight pause) “We won’t have one.”
Wedding guru aka family: Complete silence…

ahh…the sin! My maid of honour wearing red! She also caught the bouquet.

My experience has taught me that there are some people who do forget that your wedding is all about you – the bride and groom! They want to know: Why is it so late? Couldn’t be a bit nearer to home? How you mean children not invited?  And the list goes on…

Ignore them!

Trust me, their grumblings would cause even Mother Teresa to use a few curse words, and test even the patience of Job.

Luckily, I had two families that actually liked each other! My mom and Garfield’s mom are twins, and my newly found sisters and brothers are great (I’m not just saying this because they may read my blog and kick my ass). I truly love them! So we had very little drama.

Bottom line is tempers will flare, members of the bridal party may not even like each other and you will get to the point where you want just everyone to leave you the f&%k alone!

This too is normal.

In order to ensure that there was absolutely no drama, we had no head tables and no formal seating arrangements; anyone could sit anywhere! Our rationale was that we saw no reason to subject people who barely knew each other to fake conversations and the torture of each other’s company throughout our reception. We thought it’d would be a lot less painful if our bridesmaids and groomsmen went back to join their significant other in the audience. And it worked!

But what do you do if your husband-to-be and bridesmaids have a feud before the wedding, or you butt heads with one or more of his family members, or either side of the family is giving you that I-don’t-know-what-he-sees-in-you stare?

It is brutal, believe me.  But you have to remember that these strange people are going to be in your life forever (or at least until you get divorced), and you don’t want to make a bad situation worst.

So my advice: be very diplomatic, yes, hypocritical even. I’m not saying if you are being flat-out disrespected to suck it. (Have you watched Jumping the Broom?) But, if there are things that you can ignore, go ahead and ignore it. Smile as much as you can, and try to make everyone feel involved and important (this is true of both mothers especially).

Breathe deeply, and reassure yourself that even though these people are going to be in your lives for years to come, they won’t be in your space for much longer (unless you live with your in-laws which I can’t help you with).  Just get through the wedding, going forward, remember that you will be able to determine the frequency and the amount of time you spend around them.

So for now… grin and bear it:)

Our moms. Don’t they look alike?

22 thoughts on “I hate your family (and friends)

  1. thank you very much … you just hit the nail right on the head . I really try my best to ignore and show respect at the same time even though sometime i just have to tell her off in my mind 🙂 . She however has little respect for me and its as if she doesn’t even know when she is being disrespectful so I just avoid all contact and communication with her. i must also say that your blog has been very informative and also an eye opener and an inspiration to young couples and relationships even my bf wants to follow you.

  2. What do you do when both families don’t like each other and your mother in law to be doesn’t like a bone in your body shes just faking it because she wishes her son would find someone else its like that movie monster in law

    • At this stage I can only say that the choices are very few. I would try to get to the bottom of why she hates the female. If it’s nothing personal and she would react that way to any female then I would be inclined to ignore her especially if the male has the balls to let her know that he’s with you no matter what. If he is however a mama’s boy, then this could be the relationship from hell and you just have to decide if you can deal with her!If you can both decide to keep a healthy and respectful distance then fine. She doesn’t have to like you but she must respect you. I am so estactic that I have two sets of family that get along really well. To my mom, Garfield can do no wrong and I love his mom as much as my own! I can’t imagine how hurt i would be if we didn’t get along!

  3. you write well…have you ever thought about writing a novel? you should, or some book on relationship? i love it!!!

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